How to Maintain Your Industrial Concrete Epoxy Flooring: 6 Tips for Property Owners
3 min read
Epoxy coatings were once common in residential properties but are now frequently seen in commercial buildings. They are durable and ideal for high-traffic areas, especially in industrial settings. However, proper cleaning and maintenance are crucial to ensuring their longevity and can save you significant repair costs. Here are some simple guidelines to help you maintain your industrial concrete epoxy flooring:
1.Know and use the right cleaning tools
Use the right tools to clean your flooring. Avoid using equipment that can scratch your epoxy floor, mostly abrasive brushes. For instance, a broom and mop would be ideal and you can also use jet washers or fabric pads. You can find these in most hardware stores.
2.Spot cleaning works!
Epoxy coating adds a glossy finish to your concrete flooring, but maintaining that shine requires regular spot cleaning. Be sure to rinse your towel or sponge frequently to avoid spreading soapy water over a larger area. After spot cleaning, use a second soft cloth dipped in clean water to remove any remaining visible stains. If you’re unsure how to properly maintain your flooring, consider seeking help from a professional concrete coatings, epoxy, and repair services company.
3.Dispose of chemicals properly
Avoid using harsh chemicals on your concrete epoxy flooring. These chemicals can pose health hazards in your building, and can also damage the surface of your floor. Before using any cleaning products, be sure to read the labels and dispose of them properly when finished.
4.Mop & sweep the surface regularly
Sweep or mop your floors to ensure it stays clean all times. Regular cleaning will get rid of debris and particles that can scratch or stain your flooring. This is particularly important if your floor is bright in color. Use a push broom for stubborn dirt or spills, and a dustless broom for regular sweeping. After sweeping, wash the floor to maintain its shine and enhance its overall appearance.
5.Deal with stains immediately
Spills can damage your epoxy floor and create safety hazards for workers. Acids and oils, in particular, can harm the floor coating if not addressed promptly. To prevent stains and simplify cleaning, wipe up spills immediately using a soft microfiber cloth. For tougher stains like rust, use a scrubbing pad and hot water, but be gentle and avoid using harsh products on your epoxy floor to maintain its integrity.
6.Use a sealant
Add a sealant on your epoxy flooring if you want a longer-lasting floor. The sealant bonds create a protective layer that will hide scratches and other defects and will help keep liquids from permeating your flooring.
Remember that sealants shouldn’t be applied more than once every few years because they can eventually deteriorate. Bonds are challenging to install and should be installed by epoxy flooring experts.
In summary, an epoxy coating is an excellent addition to your industrial concrete flooring. It will enhance the look and durability of your flooring and raise the value of your property. Understanding how to care for your flooring is key to enhancing its durability.